You worry too much about pleasing others.........WHAT!!??!!

So I recently had a meeting with my bosses. Occasionally they like to pull each of us in individually and praise us for our strengths as well as talk about some of our weaknesses in an effort to help us continue our growth within the company. The meeting went well and I wasn't surprised but much said except one thing. I was told "you worry too much about what other people think." This statement surprised me but I started to think about it and at first I that really a bad thing? I was convinced that pleasing everyone would help me grow within the company but I took their statement and I thought about it.

Well, guess what? They were completely right. As for work, trying to please everyone else stunts my creativity, affects my writing and causes frustration. Then I started thinking more deeply about their statement and realized that I do this with all aspects of my life and it was causing me to become easily agitated.

You know, there is definitely one thing I remember from my childhood Sunday school classes and that's "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." And I've always felt that I should go through great lengths to please everyone because this would ensure someone will be there for me when needed. And, while that will still be one of my mottos and I will ALWAYS "do unto others.....," I've also got to learn to focus on myself.

So I put the theory to the test last night. Over the past month I've been helping a family a lot, helping to take care of the baby, cleaning for them, much so that I was ignoring my own house, my own needs and my pups. So yesterday after work was about me. I went straight to the gym after work and let the class instructor kick my butt, then I went home and took my dogs on a nice long walk, cleaned up a bit, threw a couple of pizzas in the oven for dinner, did some budgeting and then snuggled next to my hubby to watch TV, pig out and just relax......then remarkably I'm in this AMAZING mood today. So I'll continue to help anyone that needs help, but I'm going to vow that from this point on I will not forget myself, my husband, my puppies and my life in the process.


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