Wow- July is full of birthdays. the 11th and 27th of this month marked my bosses' birthdays. Next Week, July 30th is my colleague's birthday and she will celebrate her baby's 1st birthday the very next day, but most important to me is today, July 24th.

Today Lauren's baby boy turns 2 and we'll all celebrate him tomorrow at a cookout where I'll finally get to hang with my girls after two very long weeks. But today also marks my dad's 50th Birthday!!! Can you believe it? The big 5-0! Well, I guess I can believe it because my sister just turned 31 and I'm 25 but 50 used to seem OLD to me, but when I look at my dad, I still see the same young man that taught me everything there is to know about Softball, Fishing, Golfing, Shooting the Bow and Arrow and even cars. My dad is still SUPER MAN!! And I know that all I have to do is say the word and it's Super Man or Super Dad to the picking me up from the airport when my flight was screwed up and driving me 13 hours to my husband.

No matter what, my dad has always been there. So he deserves to be celebrated. Unfortunately I only have this really bad picture of my dad on my hard drive since I cleaned it out, but it'll do until I get back from Bama with some new ones. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!! I LOVE YOU!


Kelly Moments said...
July 25, 2008 at 9:31 AM

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR. GUNTER!! You're so lucky to have two of the best daughters EVER!!! (I'm sure your son isn't so bad either, I've just never met him :) )

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