EEEK! Guess I missed a few days of thanks. Between being sick, mourning, and traveling, this poor blog took a back burner. But we'll talk about that later. For now, let's get back on track with my 30 Days of Thanks:
Day 14: On Day 14 I was thankful for doing Crafts with Kids. Jen brought lots of fun stuff from Holly Hobbie and we made fluffy pens from ribbon and feathers, decorative pencils and dazzling bangles. I think I had just as much fun, if not more, helping the children create their masterpieces as well as creating my own
Day 15: On Day 15 I was thankful for the time I was able to spend with my two Nieces: MaKenna and Dakota. Those sweet baby girls know how to melt my heart and I love every little kiss, every little hug, every little giggle and every little toothy grin I received. I loved having them fall asleep in my arms as they nuzzled up to me, I loved singing songs with MaKenna as we skipped around the pond. I LOVED and was thankful for 3 full days of time with my nieces.
Day 16: On Day 16 I was thankful for Thanksgiving. Though we didn't celebrate Thanksgiving until the following day, I realized just how much I had to be thankful for on Thanksgiving (my parents, my siblings, my in-laws, my friends, my pups, a roof over my head, a car to drive, and awesome job- the list goes on)
Day 17: On Day 17 I was thankful for my extended family. Though we only see each other 2-3 times a year, I love that we always pick right back up where we left off each and every time. I love catching up, I love listening to the children, I love watching sports, I love my extended family.
Day 18: On this day I was thankful for Alabama football- ROLL TIDE!! I love being able to cheer for a winning team. These things come and go, but this year it's made for a happy I love finding multiple was to coordinate Crimson, Black, grey and black & white Hounds tooth into my wardrobe....they're some of my favorite colors
Day 19: On this day I was thankful for Sinus Relief medicine and down time. Sinuses burning, all I wanted to do was lay around and I did
Day 20: On this day I was thankful for Jen and Kris. Having family close by is pretty awesome and getting to ride with them on the long drive from Bama was much more pleasurable then riding alone- even if we were a little cramped. They make me laugh, I enjoy their company, and it's nice to bond with them, especially since they're the only family we have living in NC with us.
Day 21: On this day, I was thankful for my own bed and getting snuggle next to the hubs. I love going to Bama to see family, but there's nothing like coming home and getting in your own bed.
PHEW!! I believe that catches me up. Now forgive me, I must dash away and I do not have time to proof read. I know, "Bad English Major, Bad!"