Ask and Yee Shall Receive.....I guess

Geez! So as I lie in bed last night digesting the news I received that afternoon, I prayed to God that he would continue to make me desperate for him "Please God, I need you more now than ever. I need to continue to feel that desperation, I need to continue to have those moments where I have no choice but to turn to you." BOY did he answer, and he continues to answer even this evening.

Yea, but one thing my dad always said to me, be careful what you pray for....same concept as be careful what you wish for. That little shit has definitely made me desperate for him over the last couple of days and it only gets worse. And I mean that little shit in the nicest of ways- I really do. Sometimes I imagine God having the sarcastic humor of my husband and boy has he done that this week.

Well God- you've got my attention...I literally have nothing else to do right now but to seek you as I'm basically stranded at home with no gas in my car, no money for gas...oh, and no running water AND no money in sight for the next couple of days. Great!

Well- truth is, God knows exactly what buttons to push to have me seeking him and regardless of the situation, he has my full and undivided attention.

Alright God, what next? Love you, mean it


Lauren Faiai said...
September 16, 2008 at 9:49 PM

I loved hearing you say these things today. You already know my response... But I don't mind repeating (even just for myself) the fact that God will give you the desires of your heart as you continue to seek Him. You're such a strong woman, and I'm constantly inspired by you. I love you so much.

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