As he's done so often in these past few months, God's word and faithfulness have really been weighing heavily on my heart this month. Financial struggles are definitely a hot button for me and I've tried and tried all month to keep a positive attitude and have faith that God would pull through, unfortunately I was fooling EVERYONE, INCLUDING MYSELF. After 2 weeks of torture, one day I got tired of putting on a smile and saying "it'll all work out" and instead decided to just be angry, upset, stressed and sad.

Then God's voice came through a friend: "I Love You!"

These words made me suddenly realize that I hadn't actually let go and put my trust in God...I truly thought I had but after thinking about it I realized I've been keeping the stress close to my heart- hence the four pounds I dropped in 2 weeks. After hearing the words, "I love you," I realized I needed to TRULY let go and put it in God's hands. As I was driving down the road, I turned off the radio and had a little heart to heart with God: "OK GOD- here, take it. I'm done, I can't fix it, I can't make it work, I can't figure it out. You do it! You make it work! Please provide for me and my husband..." and he, as always, came through. He's provided me with some amazing friends that pull through in a crunch and are there for me when I need them most and he pulled through for me financially- no, I'm not rolling in the dough right now, but I have food in my belly and gas in my car to get to work and that's all I require to maintain my sanity.

Thank you God, once again, for making me desperate for you and thank you for your love!


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