Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures everytime we did something really fun, but you'll get the just.
After driving through the night, Jarrad and I hit the ground running as soon as we got to Bama. I took a quick shower and headed to my mother-in-laws to spend time with my niece while Jarrad immediately jumped in a boat and went fishing...even though it was already too hot by the time we got there.
I got to do everything I was looking forward to. We spent several nights sitting around the pool discussing times past, the now and the future. This is always my favorite part, just hanging out. I stole my niece away as often as possible to have time with just her and I, we spent all day Saturday at the Lake, my mom cooked some AMAZING Food, Jarrad and I jumped in and cooked one night as well. And the last two days there, Jarrad, my dad and I woke at 5:30 AM to go fishing before the sun rose too high and it got too hot. I have to admit, even though we woke at the butt crack of dawn, and one of those mornings we'd only been in bed for less than three hours before our wakeup call, these were the most relaxing. The one thing I stress about with family is trying to manage time and equally split time between the two families and it often feels like they're battling each other for our time. Luckily, these mornings were stress free. And I have to admit, while fishing was just something I did with Jarrad because he enjoyed it, I was pretty proud of the fish teeth marks left on my thumbs and it will probably become more of a hobby for me as well. I hope you enjoy the following pictures.
This is my niece MaKenna with her granparents ("Honey" & "Paw-Paw"), also known as Jarrad's mom and step dad. She loved the water that day, check out a couple of other images with Makenna as well.
And this is me with my parents. I couldn't have asked for a better duo. They've always supported me in all my endevors (sometimes more reluctantly than others :) but never-the-less, they've always supported my choices). They're also two of the most caring, tender hearted, loving individuals you'll ever meet.
Unfortunately I have no pictures with my sister from this trip as I always forgot my camera when hanging with her, but below is a picture of my "little" brother. He was AMAZING this trip. Whereever we were, whatever we wanted to do...he was there. He didn't care, he didn't try to stress us out, he only wanted to be with us hanging...that was much appreciated. As a matter of fact, I'd like to think he's learned a lot from me over the years, but the truth is, I've learned a lot from him. He's very protective of me, and I LOVE that, he's very caring and it rips him apart if he thinks either I or my older sister are unhappy...funny how my baby brother has kind of taken on the role of big brother over the last few years.
HI MOM AND DAD AND BRO!!! Finally Christian - geez!! Wasn't as detailed as I expected, but that's what happens when you slack for a week or so :) just kiddin. Love ya mean it!
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