Birthday Fun!

Yesterday was WONDERFUL!!! There's nothing like girls day out for a bit of birthday fun.

But before girls night began, we had to make a little ice cream stop with Riley and Cameron. I can't resist sharing some very cute pictures:

After ice cream we were off for manis and pedis and then finally landed at my all time favorite hangout, RUCKUS PIZZA, for a very relaxed night outside full of girl talk, sorry....not going to share the juicy details of that conversation.

Oh, and did I mention that the little gift Cameron gave me before leaving him had to come along as well?

In all seriousness, I thank God every day for the wonderful friends he has put into my life. I would go absolutely insane if I didn't have a few awesome chicks with which I can vent, laugh, cry and celebrate special occasions. Thank you Kelly and Lauren for a very awesome night!


Lauren Faiai said...
June 7, 2008 at 5:43 PM

So so so much fun! Let's do it again next week!!!

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