Blue-sa-phine's Trip to the SPCA

No, I haven't forgotten about my blog. I know I have at least ten post ideas I've written in my notebook as the weeks have passed by but unfortunately, life can sometimes prevent us from doing what we enjoy most.

The good news is, I have actually started a new post which should go live by the end of this coming weekend. In the meantime, I wanted to share a story. My friend Kelly is a funny bitch. Let's just start there. Yesterday she emailed me about taking Blue (nick-named Blue-sa-phine for his feminine like ways)to the SPCA to be fixed. That's right, the boys had to go!

With her permission of course, I'm going to share the story, in her words. As you read, imagine a little petite, feisty brunette that tells it like it is. Hopefully that will give you the visual you need to make this as funny to you as it is to me:

POOR BLUE! I took his non-suspecting ass to the SPCA today...He got no breakfast, and very little water this a.m. Annnnd jumped right int he car and rode with me, like an unsuspecting dummy, to the place [SPCA. I filled out paperwork and took him in. When I handed the leash over to the lady, he looked at me, with sad eyes, as if saying "but...mama...I thought we were gonna play today??" and it broke my heart and I almost cried.

I'll pick his pathetic self up promptly at 5.

Oh Kelly, you make me smile on even the worst of days!


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