New Year, New Me, New Attitude

Guilty as charged, I've been meaning to write and publish this post since the beginning of the year and it never happened but I didn't want to dump this topic because it's important to me.

In 2009 I spent the entire year recovering from the lack of a job at the end of 2008. 2009 brought on many of the financial stresses that mine and Jarrad's first two years of marriage because apparently, keeping a tight budget and living paycheck to paycheck equates to hard financial times when you're jobless for three months. But, I can finally see things have picked up a bit for Jarrad and I. Finances are starting to fall into place, as they should. Don't get me wrong, we're still financially stressed but at least we're to a point where we know we'll survive and pulling through is only a matter of digging our heals in a bit deeper.

So why did I explain all of this to you? Mostly because I'm well aware of the fact that I spent most of 2009 depressed, stressed, upset and that also showed through my writing. So instead of having a New Year's resolution, I decided that I was simply going to set several goals for myself that I plan to utilize both in my writing and in my life.

I'm a happy person, I'm a glass half-full kind of person, I always have been and I'm ready to let everyone see that again. So here are my goals, listed in no particular order:
1. Don't stress so much
2. Maintain a positive attitude, even during times of stress or hardship
3. Find a way to get out of town for a long and much needed relaxing weekend with Jarrad
4. Stay active, get back to healthy and run a triathlon sprint.
5. Find a church that is fitting of my spiritual and emotional needs
6. Find new ways to give back to the community, pay-it-forward
7. Find little ways to thank my friends for what they've done for me and continue to do for me

So those are my goals and I plan on sticking to it. If you see me veering, let me know. I welcome all comments, both good and bad. Until next time....


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