Charlie Brown: An Unexpected Farewell Part 2

Shortly after my last post about Charlie I finalized part 2 with a video. After pouring my heart out I realized I'd created a 15 minute video. But that's not one of those videos you edit. It was raw footage and the only way I was going to post it was as is. Except, YouTube wasn't willing to accept that nor was Blogger. Trust me, I tried for 1.5 months. I tried using different formatting to no avail. So, good news for you is that you will not be able to witness my 15 minutes of crying over my precious Charlie.

Bottom line is we lost Charlie Thanksgiving weekend. She escaped a friend's house and proceeded to do what she did best- run. That pup was the FASTEST dog I've ever seen, seriously. Once she took off there was no catching her. Unfortunately, like an uninhibited child, Charlie took off running with no fear of what could happen and the worst thing that could happen, happened.

I'll save the horrible details of that day as I'm done crying over it and don't want to re-live it. The truth is, it's made me appreciate Sarge and Mackey and the joy they bring us that much more and I try to give lots more love, attention and outside play time (since they actually listen and it helps that they can't out-run us like Charlie).

Instead, this is my final goodbye because I want to continue a year of thanks, a year of happiness....I vow to find the good in every situation. Now, don't get me wrong- I'm sure there will be times I can't resist complaining or venting via my blog but not like in late 2008 and the beginning of 2009. This is a year of happiness so for now let's say goodbye to Charlie one last time so that I can finally move on:

Goodbye Charlie Brown your short year on earth brought more joy than you can ever imagine and I will not forget you. I love you:


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