30 Days of Thanks: Day 29

Wow, only two more days left in my 30 days of thanks. I think I'm going to be sad. Posting daily near daily has been a way to get me back in the groove, to get me interested in posting about other topics as well. Maybe I can think of a few other things to keep me going after this. Like, will I ever get that video I've been trying to post for the last three days up and running on YouTube? Apparently it's the correct format now but too long, yea, I'm trying to upload a video that's too long. EEK.

Anyway, so back to my 30 days of thanks. I wanted to save the two things I'm most thankful for, for my last two days of thanks. Today, I am oh so thankful for my family. My parents and siblings shaped who I am.

Dad: My dad was always my coach- softball coach, golf coach, even soccer coach(though my best position on that team was eating orange slices on the side lines). He pushed me to be great, to be the best. Whatever I wanted to do, he made it happen. He taught me: determination, will power, drive and when all else fails PRAY (thanks dad, I've used that last one a lot.

Mom: Take it one day at a time. You know that little piece of advice has stuck with me for years and years. Whenever things are becoming a bit overwhelming, I stop and tell myself to take care of today and worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. And your tender heart has definitely been contagious. You may not think so, but I could tell that whenever I was in pain, upset, stressed or sad- you felt those feelings right along with me. I never felt alone. I can see that sometimes you bear the weight of my stresses and problems on your shoulder and there it remains until the problem has resolved. I noticed, I've always noticed.

Brandy: Sis, thank you. You've taught me independence. You taught me to unapologetically be me. It's taken years for me to master that, and I'm still not 100% there yet, but I thank you for that. I'm striving more and more every day to be me, 100%. Also, thank you for all the small stuff: for teaching me proper makeup application, skincare, how to do my hair, and THANK YOU for stopping me from plucking my eyebrows WAY too much- I needed someone to be blunt with me.

Charles: Brother, you are amazing. For years you were just my pesky little brother, but then something changed. Suddenly you were like my older brother, and I love that. I love knowing that you'll protect me at all cost. I love knowing that you worry about me, thank you. Also, thank you for reminding me how to love unconditionally. You've ALWAYS had the biggest heart. Sometimes almost to a fault, but you remind me regularly how important it is to love.

Without you guys, I certainly wouldn't be the person I am today. Thank you for everything!


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