30 Days of Thanks: Day 13

Yea yea, I skipped two days. Between lots of travel and a major lack of sleep, feel privileged that it was only two days that I missed. So instead of trying to catch-up, I'm just going to start back up where I left off, with day 13. So today, I'm thankful for a new discovery and that's BWO. What's B.W.O you might ask. B.W.O is Blogging Without Obligation. I discovered B.W.O through photography blogger, Julie King and she gives the following explanation for why she created B.W.O:

* Because you shouldn’t have to look at your blog like it is a treadmill.

* Because its okay to just say what you have to say. If that makes for a long post, fine. Short post, fine. Frequent post, fine. Infrequent post, fine.

* Because its okay to not always be enthralled with the sound of your own typing.

* Because sometimes less is more.

* Because only blogging when you feel truly inspired keeps up the integrity of your blog.

* Because they are probably not going to inscribe your stat, link and comment numbers on your tombstone.

* Because for most of us blogging is just a hobby. A way to express yourself and connect with others. You should not have to apologize for lapses in posts. Just take a step back and enjoy life, not everything you do has to be “bloggable”.

* Because if you blog without obligation you will naturally keep your blog around longer, because it won’t be a chore. Plus, just think you will be doing your part to eradicate post pollution. One post at a time. . .


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