I DO NOT MISS High School

So I'm working an event tonight and I show up to find out it's a high school formal, worse. Can I just say, I swear dresses have gotten uglier and uglier and these poor high schoolers' attempts at cool and sexy have just fallen flat. Girls with guts are wearing tight dresses, girls with WAY too much boobs are wearing dresses that I'm sure they think are making their boobs look bigger but its simply making them look like blobs of fat falling out of a YUCK! Dress and tiny girls that could pull some of the above mentioned dresses off have chosen dresses that are so short they can't really dance without flashing, so instead they're tabing their just tapping their feet and swishing their hips to some beat other than the one I hear coming through the sound system.

The bad attempts at dancing sexy (I don't know what they're doing but it's definitely not cute), their failed attempts at sneaking in alchohol, the look on every guys face that says, "I hope I get some later" coupled by the girls looks that say, "I hope I don't get so inebriated that I hook up with him," are completely cracking me up. And I only have to sit back and watch the events unfold.

This is the most entertaining event I've witnessed to date. Oh well, at least I'll get a few laughs and the need for partying will get them all out in time for me to be home before or shortly after midnight.


Kelly Moments said...
January 28, 2009 at 8:18 AM

Sounds lovely!! I might scold you for needed to proof your posts - was the girl tabing or tapping?! Love ya mean it - can't wait to see you this weekend. I thing I'm going through BFF withdrawls!! I even told my sprinkler inspector yesterday if he helped me out by stopping by another site he could be my BFF for the week :) then he (very scarcastically) responded with "Wow - being your BFF is better than getting a pay check!" LOL MISS YOU!!

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