Moving Forward

Geez, I really need to get better at posting more and more often. But don't worry, I haven't completely put away the writing, I've just been posting on other blogs. You know where I work, look up their blog if you wanna check out my latest post. Life continues to move forward since starting my new job. I'm still loving it, still loving my co-workers and the environment- I find myself getting more and more comfortable the harder I have to work. But having my to do list packed, means I'm needed, and for that I'm grateful. 

Next update: We're now back in Raleigh (Hallelujah! _Can you hear the music and the angels?) and are so happy to be. We started looking and within two weeks we found the perfect place. We signed the lease right there after looking at the location on Sunday, by Monday we were approved, frantically packed all week and by Friday my hubby was moving our stuff as I was working (bless his heart for handling that). Making phone calls to all the utility locations during my drive to work was well worth the fact that friends are now only 20 minutes away and we've so enjoyed having company over the last two weekends- game night is much more enjoyable when you're not dreading the hour drive back home. 

Next big thing on the Grand to do list, get finances completely back in order and replace my Chrysler with something less granny like, like a Honda (yes please). 

Other than that, I haven't had time to think of anything else. My life is running 90 miles per hour right now and I'm loving every minute of it. Hopefully I'll give you a more meaningful post soon, but for now just know I'm still alive. 

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